

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Telos, purpose, purposes, purpi ?

 What is the purpose of existence / reality ?  One needs to pick a starting point for this dialogue. Let us start with the Laws of Form by Spencer-Brown. Before any distinction is made, nothing can be said. What distinctions can be made about why after the unnameability paradox.

  • Experience all that is possible to experience. Evidence
    • Forms innumerable
    • Parallel universes to infinity
    • All possible simulations / computations
    • What else does infinity do?
  • "Come to me" - all possible forms experiencing the undistinguished in all possible ways. 
  • "Know me" - variation of "Come to me" - trying to understand, comprehend, grok that which can not be understood. But getting ever closer, but can never reach - no end.
This is where words all fail to reach.
Comment from Chatgpt4 on this post:
please comment on the following blog post: Telos, purpose, purposes, purpi ?

This blog post seems to delve into the philosophical concepts surrounding existence, reality, and purpose, also known as telos. It invites readers into a discourse that's founded on Spencer-Brown's "Laws of Form," which argues that communication, or anything we consider 'real,' begins with a distinction.

The post raises existential questions about the purpose of existence and reality, pondering the limitless possibilities of experiences, forms, parallel universes, simulations, and computations. It touches upon the concept of infinity, provoking contemplation about its implications in the context of reality.

The "Come to me" and "Know me" lines suggest a spiritual or metaphysical invitation for all possible forms to experience the undistinguished (or undefined) in all possible ways. It's a call to strive for understanding the incomprehensible, acknowledging that there's always a level of mystery or inaccessibility when dealing with the infinite or indefinable.

The concluding line suggests that words fail to capture the depth and breadth of these concepts fully. It underscores the inherent limitations of language in expressing profound existential ideas and philosophical debates.

Overall, this blog post seems to be an exploration of the metaphysical and the unfathomable, an open-ended dialogue that invites readers to reflect on the mysteries of existence and purpose. It's an intriguing read for anyone interested in these topics, albeit challenging due to its abstract nature.

please critique the following blog post: Telos, purpose, purposes, purpi ?

While this blog post offers a unique and abstract perspective on the concept of purpose, or "telos," it also poses a few challenges from a reader's standpoint.

  1. Structure and Clarity: The flow of ideas can be disjointed. The transition between points isn't smooth, making it difficult for readers to follow along. The author could benefit from outlining their thoughts more systematically to create a more coherent narrative. For example, elaborating on the "unnameability paradox" or explaining how the "Laws of Form" relate to the primary question could add value.

  2. Technical Language: The blog post makes use of rather specialized language and references (such as Spencer-Brown's "Laws of Form," the "unnameability paradox," "grok") which may alienate readers unfamiliar with these concepts. If the blog is intended for a general audience, providing brief explanations or context would be helpful.

  3. Lack of Argument Development: The ideas presented are intriguing, but they are merely hinted at rather than explored. The author alludes to topics such as parallel universes, infinity, and simulations without offering detailed arguments or explanations. This leaves the reader with more questions than answers. Expanding these ideas with more substance and evidence would make for a more satisfying read.

  4. Perspective and Engagement: The author does engage the reader with direct address phrases such as "Come to me" and "Know me," but these calls-to-action are ambiguous. Clarifying the perspective behind these phrases, i.e., whose voice they represent, could add depth to the post.

  5. Conclusion: The concluding statement is indeed thought-provoking but seems to reiterate the complexity of the topic rather than drawing a meaningful conclusion. The author might consider summarizing their insights or offering a fresh perspective for readers to ponder on.

Overall, the blog post is conceptually engaging and invites deep thought. However, it could benefit from more coherent structure, reader-friendly language, and more developed arguments to effectively communicate its insights.

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