

Friday, May 26, 2023

Artificial Intelligence - a different perspective

 The are various active conversations / perspectives on the current AI capabilities and directions. What I have not seen much / any conversation / discussion on is how AI sheds a light on us (human species). AI is providing a powerful feedback loop / mirror to us of the issues with us as well as the our possibilities.

We (as a species) have many / all the negative aspects of AI.

  • Hallucinations - many belief systems consider other belief systems hallucinations. I wonder if the root cause of these hallucinations is the same as for AI. The training data used for AI is one of the factors that leads to these hallucinations. Are our educational systems, cultural systems, belief systems cause various forms of insanity in humans. This points to the need for us to upgrade and universalize the "training" / "education" of all humans.
  • Bias - is this not the same as hallucinations - our biases causes us to misperceive reality?
  • Lack of transparency - do we know why our governance structure do what they do? How often are decision made behind closed doors and marketed with different agendas than their creation agendas. And how easily are we manipulated with fear, distrust, tribalism, ....
  • Robustness - human decision making is volatile. A bad interaction or meal can lead to very different decisions. Are we any more robust than AIs?
  • Autonomy - one of the fears is that autonomous AI will have its own agenda which may be inimical to our well being. Do we not already have that with our governance structures? We are living on a planet that could be "heaven" for our species and other species. We don't have that because of our "autonomous" governance structures. The level of suffering that is present on earth for humans and other sentient beings is difficult to comprehend / fully sense. And is it not due to the "autonomous" governance structure that we have created?
  • Other aspects - are we not subject to all the negative aspects that we are subscribing only to AIs?

Here is the question I asked chatgpt4: What are the current positive and negative issues related to artificial intelligence, its current and future capabilities?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly improve many aspects of our lives and society. However, as with any technology, it also brings with it several challenges and potential downsides. Here are some of the major points:

Positive Aspects:

  1. Efficiency and Productivity: AI can automate routine tasks, thereby boosting productivity. It can also analyze big data to identify patterns and trends, aiding decision-making processes.

  2. Advanced Analytics: AI enables the analysis of complex data sets, facilitating insights in fields such as healthcare, meteorology, and market trends.

  3. Improved Accessibility: AI technology can help those with disabilities to interact more effectively with their environment. Examples include speech recognition and synthesis, and computer vision technologies.

  4. Personalization: AI can deliver personalized content and experiences, from personalized learning experiences in education to product recommendations in online shopping.

  5. Innovation Across Sectors: AI drives innovation across various sectors including healthcare (with advancements in diagnosis, drug discovery, and patient care), transportation (with the development of autonomous vehicles), and in environmental conservation (through monitoring and predictive modeling).

Negative Aspects:

  1. Job Displacement: AI could lead to significant job displacement. While it may create new jobs, there's concern that AI will automate more jobs than it creates, leading to increased unemployment and social inequality.

  2. Privacy Concerns: AI technologies often rely on massive amounts of data, raising serious privacy concerns. Issues around data collection, consent, and control are all significant.

  3. Bias: AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate and amplify societal biases if those biases are present in the training data. This can lead to unfair outcomes in critical areas like hiring, lending, and law enforcement.

  4. Lack of Transparency: Many AI models, especially deep learning models, are considered "black boxes" because it's often not clear how they're making decisions. This lack of transparency can be problematic in scenarios where accountability and interpretability are important.

  5. Dependency: Over-reliance on AI could lead to a lack of human oversight and a loss of certain skills, as well as vulnerability to AI systems failing or being exploited.

Future Capabilities and Concerns:

In the future, AI is expected to become even more integrated into our daily lives and society. Potential developments include advanced robotics, wider adoption of autonomous vehicles, increased personalization in many more aspects of life, and even AI models that can perform tasks currently requiring human intelligence, such as complex decision-making and creative tasks.

However, these future capabilities also bring potential issues. Advanced AI could exacerbate the negative aspects listed above, especially around job displacement, privacy, and bias. There are also ethical questions around AI, such as the implications of AI that can mimic human behavior convincingly. And there are safety and security concerns, as AI technology could be used maliciously or could cause harm if it fails or gets out of control.

Say more about AI issues like hallucinations? What are some other key issues like that.

Hallucinations in AI refer to instances where machine learning models, particularly those based on neural networks, generate outputs that don't make sense in the real world or are based on patterns that aren't present in the input data. This is a subset of a larger issue around the reliability of AI systems.

AI Hallucinations

This phenomenon is seen most prominently in AI models related to computer vision or text generation. For instance, a model might "see" objects in an image that aren't there or make connections between words or concepts that aren't accurate or logical. This phenomenon is related to the AI's pattern-matching capabilities: it tries to find patterns in the data it has been trained on, and sometimes it over-generalizes from these patterns, "seeing" them even when they aren't present.

This is a significant problem, because it can lead to AI systems making incorrect decisions or providing false information. And because AI systems are often "black boxes" that don't provide clear explanations for their outputs, these hallucinations can be hard to detect and correct.

Other Key Issues

  1. Explainability: As mentioned, many AI systems are "black boxes", meaning it's difficult to understand how they come to a particular decision. This is a major issue in domains like healthcare or legal where understanding the reasoning behind decisions is crucial.

  2. Fairness and Bias: AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate and even amplify societal biases if those biases are present in the training data. This can lead to discriminatory and unfair outcomes.

  3. Robustness: AI systems can be sensitive to small changes in the input data that would not affect a human decision-maker. This is sometimes known as the problem of adversarial examples. AI systems also struggle to generalize from the data they have been trained on to new situations or types of data.

  4. Data Privacy: AI's ability to process large amounts of data can lead to potential privacy invasions. For instance, AI systems could potentially be used to de-anonymize data, identify individuals in large datasets, or infer sensitive information from seemingly innocuous data.

  5. Dual Use Concerns: AI technology could potentially be used for malicious purposes, such as deepfakes, automated hacking, surveillance, or autonomous weaponry. This raises serious safety, security, and ethical concerns.

These are complex issues that the AI research and policy communities are actively working to address. They illustrate the need for careful oversight, transparency, and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of AI technologies.

I asked chatgpt4 to analyze and comment on my blog post:

please analyze and comment on the following blog posting:

The blog post you've shared presents a compelling and reflective perspective on AI, its challenges, and their parallels with the human condition. It's intriguing how it associates the flaws of AI with the imperfections found in human systems and behaviors. Here's an analysis of the points raised:

  1. Hallucinations: The comparison of AI hallucinations with belief systems in humans is an interesting point. The idea that the belief systems we're brought up with might shape our perception of reality in a way that's similar to how training data shapes an AI's outputs is an insightful analogy. However, a key difference is that humans can question, adapt, and change their belief systems, while AIs currently can't.

  2. Bias: Yes, the blog post is correct. Biases can cause humans to misperceive reality, and when these biases enter the AI training data, they can affect the AI's decisions too. This analogy underscores the need to address bias at both the human level and in the way we develop AI.

  3. Lack of transparency: The blog post makes a thought-provoking point about the lack of transparency in human governance structures and how that might parallel the "black box" problem in AI. The writer suggests that the human decision-making process, just like AI decision-making, can often be opaque, influenced by hidden agendas, and prone to manipulation.

  4. Robustness: The blog post argues that human decision-making is volatile and might not be more robust than AI. While it's true that human decision-making can be inconsistent, humans also have the ability to use empathy, intuition, and a wider understanding of the world in their decisions. AI, in its current state, lacks these abilities.

  5. Autonomy: The writer equates potential fears about autonomous AI with our existing governance structures. It's an intriguing perspective, suggesting that our fears of AI autonomy might reflect our fears of any powerful, autonomous system, including those created by humans.

Overall, the blog post provides a reflective view on AI and its issues, suggesting that many of these issues are not unique to AI but are embedded in our human systems and behaviors. It brings attention to the need for introspection, not only in how we build and govern AI but also in how we govern ourselves and society. This viewpoint fosters a broad perspective that encompasses not only technology but also education, governance, and ethics, all of which are crucial in our increasingly AI-driven world.

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