

Monday, January 3, 2022

Meta Generators

 The last post on generator functions and processes led to a conversation about how to think more clearly about these - how is a function different from a process. One can think of a function as a "class" as in an object oriented programming model. The usage of that class is the process. The usage of the class is an instantiation of that class in a particular context. So,

  • A generator function of "rivalry" can lead to many instantiations in different contexts:
    • dominating / winning in personal relationships
    • winning market share
    • winning a competition (by fair means or foul)
    • getting more than a fair share of the pie
    • .......
This led to the issue of what are basic generator functions, are there generators that generate these other generators, ... One can think of a "progress" generator function. This function, in different contexts, can generator these other "lower level" generators of rivalry, extraction, exponential tech. One way to think about the progress class instantiation is that it is given a metric for a context to measure progress:
  • For rivalry - it is given measures of:
    • market share
    • capital accumulation
    • social status
    • trophy collection
    • ....
  • For exponential tech - the measures may be
    • functional capability
    • cost per unit
    • market share / dominance
    • ...
  • For extractive behavior - the measures may be
    • cost / benefit ratio improvement
    • cost transfer and benefit accumulation
    • ...
  • For selection behavior, as in the previous post - measures may be
    • cognitive offloading, e.g., select a decision maker so that "I/we" don't have to. Similarly, select an authority so that a whole range of sense making  / decision making can be offloaded
    • mate selection measures such as skills, appearance, resources, network connectivity, ...
    • ...

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