

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Naming a "thing" and missing the pattern

Sometimes / often we name a phenomenon and get so caught up with the delight of having named it that we don't see how that phenomenon is present in multiple forms in different contexts. Take fundamentalism as an example. It is generally applied to religion. However, atheist and secular people can be just a "fundamentalist" in their beliefs as religious believers. One underlying pattern of the name is the tight binding to a particular / singular perspective and making all other perspectives wrong / incorrect / idiotic / insane / ...  One can see this pattern in secular dictatorships, in totalitarian regimes, in temples, in churches, mosques, synagogues, political gatherings, .... It is a bit of a strange paradox. One is a member of one or more tribes. Implicit in that membership is that one's tribe is "better" than all the other tribes, otherwise, why would one choose this tribe to belong to. How does one give "equality" to all other tribes in such a situation? How can one be a particle or a wave or both simultaneously? Strange existence, this!

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