

Monday, February 24, 2020

A Story

Our book club read "Sapiens" by Yuval Harari and had some interesting conversations about the narratives we create and how our current set of narratives seem to be leading us to an existential cliff. Waking up the next morning, another narrative arose within me.

YAN (Yet Another Narrative): We seem to be caught in a Lilliputian dilemma - which end of the egg is up. Deists have created god(s) in our image (pretty messy) that give meaning to everything. Atheists, on the other end of the egg, say our existence arises out of random fluctuations of quantum foam and has no intrinsic meaning (meaningless). Both sides lose sight of the egg. Here we are in this existence. And perhaps the real question is what are the attributes of the "egg"? The attributes of the egg are all around us, in fact there is nothing but the attributes of the egg. Here are a couple of attributes:

  • "Infinite" diversity - wherever we look, high (big) or low (small), we keep discovering new forms, structures, processes, ....
  • "Processes" - things unfold in a causal chain. Some unfoldings have good results, some not. How do we create better(?) processes with better(?) results? We do both. Some of our "greats" have said that processes driven by "love / kindness" have better outcomes. They have not figured out how to enact those processes except in small instances. Neither have we. Perhaps there is more to this process (narrative) design than we have yet figured out.
  • ..............
As always, ymmv (your mileage/narrative may vary)

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