- Civilizations as foreground - the universe uses building blocks to create structures. First, the universe is created by the building blocks of particles, atoms, .... Then, those create life, Life then creates more complex structures such as packs, tribes, cities, nations, civilizations, .... The trajectory here is that at some future point, the whole universe will be alive / conscious with these blocks that it is creating.
- Processes - when two cells communicate, they signal each other with some electrical, chemical, ... signals. Each cell interprets that signal and does its thing. There is a communication protocol - signal and what the signal means. Our languages are building blocks to create signals and communicate. These languages than become the blocks to create narratives / stories. With this process in the foreground, we can hardly say that the protocol is a "fiction". It is what is used to create more complex structures. Similarly, gravity is a glue that holds moons, solar systems, galaxies, together. We can't see it (intangible), yet we feel its effects all the time. Similarly, we don't see the glue (narratives) that bind us into groups, yet we feel their effects all the time. With this narrative, is it reasonable to say that the glue is "fiction"? Different glues have different attributes and capabilities. Sometimes we confuse the content of the glue with the "process" of gluing. The process is quite real as far as real goes for us.
As always, ymmv (your mileage/narrative may vary)