

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Individual / Group Fractal

There seems to be a deep fractal pattern in behavior of an individual vs an individual as part of a group. We can see this from particles on up. A hydrogen atom by itself has different behavior characteristics than the same atom as part of an H2O complex. Can we then fractally generalize this to: and individual person's characteristics / behavior pattern is different when that same person is part of a group, tribe, organization, nation, ...

Friday, August 9, 2019

More Thoughts About Moral Foundations

There are some earlier thoughts on Haidt's Moral Foundations model.Take the moral foundations model with the six foundations: The six foundations are Care/harm, Fairness/cheating, Liberty/oppression, Loyalty/betrayal, Sanctity/degradation, Authority/subversion. It creates a characteristic "personality type" for an individual. This creates a bit of a "flat earth" model of a person's type. If we include the integral perspective, then people are at various level / stages of development. So, a conservative person can be at an ethnocentric level or an integral level. It seems to me that how a "conservative" at these different levels would behave, could / would be very different.

Thoughts About Moral Foundations Model

There are some earlier thoughts on Haidt's Moral Foundations model. It occurred to me that in a number of social science models, there is no linkage to biological structures as possible bases for the proposed model. Take the moral foundations model with the six foundations: The six foundations are Care/harm, Fairness/cheating, Liberty/oppression, Loyalty/betrayal, Sanctity/degradation, Authority/subversion.