

Monday, July 30, 2018

Pattern from The Little Prince

Our book club read The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery. As we were discussing the book, a new pattern emerged for me:

  • the author starts with the little prince cleaning his volcanoes. For one to continue reading the book because of its fame, recommendations, requirement, ..., one has to enter a child-like state of make believe to try and make sense of the book.
  • Once one has entered this state of make believe and child-like level of cognition, all sorts of adages, statements, observations are imbued with a sense of deep significance, meaning, wisdom; no matter how nonsensical they may be.
  • Hence a lot of reviewers of the book comment on the wise sayings, e.g., adults don't listen or understand children, once you tame something - you are bonded to it, ....
This pattern is the same, imho, as the pattern of belief. Once you have committed to a belief, you have turned of some levels of cognition. As an example, in various traditions, people form groups to study their holy book(s) and find all manner of wisdom and depth in it even when what is written is sometimes / often nonsense or primitive ways of looking at how and why of things.

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