

Friday, September 24, 2010

Geometry of Mind

Our "minds" live in a "spatial" geometry with multiple dimensions. Here are some possible dimensions that need to be narrowed down to a smaller subset which are orthogonal to each other.

  • Time dimension - whether the past, present, or future are focal point
  • Sense of Humanity - are humans part of nature or outside of nature. An aspect of that is the specialness scale - how special does one think one is. An example is the gorilla beating his chest proclaiming  is special status in the nature of things.
  • Meaning / meaningless scale - how much meaning does existence have ?
  • Identity dimension / circle - what is included self, family, tribe, ethnicity, nation, planet, consciousness, existence.
  • Belief binding strength, e.g., binding strength to a meaning.
  • Optimism / pessimism
Add to these dimensions the four quadrants from Wilber's model to begin to capture some more of the complexity of geometry of mind. For example, deep meaning is an upper left quadrant experience. The value of this deep meaning is / can be disputed by the upper right quadrant.

These dimensions are an initial list that needs more pondering as to what are really side effects and what are "real" dimensions. And are there yet other dimensions / factors of which these dimensions are  a side effect. There is Wilber's notion of agency/communion and dissolution/transcendence as four drives of holons. Do these dimensions actually account for the list above as side effects? Needs a bit more thought and perhaps some simulations to verify.

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